In evidenza L'opinione News — 29 January 2021

RAI Television, the organization of the Festival di Sanremo and the artistic director Amadeus, who ‘go straight ahead’ for a ‘normal’ Festival. To the legal risks, which could generate a series of chain effects, spiced with stamped papers and compensation claims, is then added the hypothetical, but probable – even only at a statistical level – reputational risk. That is a Festival .’at all costs’, the Organization, Rai and Amadeus above all, must, in addition to hitting the advertising revenue targets, be immaculate from the point of view of infections.

In fact – reflects Davide Ciliberti, communication expert of the Purple & Noise groupgiven Rai’s strong desire to keep the bar straight and go ahead with the audience in the hall, this Festival must be immaculate from the point of view of infections, also because – continues the spin doctor – imagine that it would happen on a media level, but not only, where even just one person in the audience were to get infected…” 


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