Milan, June 2024 – From last April 9th, advertising, after Netflix and Disney+ – which already provide “ad-supported” subscriptions – has also arrived in Italy on Amazon Prime Video. A choice introduced by streaming platforms that Italians agree with, with 76% of viewers willing to accept a streaming service with advertising content in exchange for a cheaper or even free service.

This is the figure that emerges from a study conducted by The Trade Desk, a leading global advertising technology platform and YouGov, an international market research and data-analyst company, on how streaming content consumption habits are changing and how viewing trends will generate opportunities for marketing and advertising, which highlights,  Furthermore, how 54% of Italian viewers interviewed say they would choose a free streaming service subsidized by advertising and 43% a subscription, with advertising, at a cheaper price.

New opportunities are opening up for advertisers in the Italian digital advertising market, who in streaming can reach a highly engaged audience that – as seen by the data of The Trade Desk survey – in 73% of cases pays the utmost attention when watching streaming content, focusing exclusively on what appears on the screen (including advertising),  without getting distracted by different activities. Unlike those who watch YouTube (59%) or social media (52%). Traditional TV is at the bottom of the list where only 35% of Italians interviewed when they are in front of the screen say they are really attentive to what they are watching.

The report is available for download at this link.

*Survey carried out by YouGov on 1,286 adults (aged 18 and over) living in Italy, carried out from 20 to 30 June 2023.


The Trade Desk™ (NASDAQ: TTD) is a global advertising tech company, operating in the advertising buying sector. Through the proprietary cloud-based platform, it is possible to plan, manage and optimize advertising campaigns on digital formats – including display, video, audio and native – on a variety of devices, including desktop, mobile, tablet, connected-TV, DOOH. The integration of the main global and local publishing companies and data suppliers into the platform allows you to maximize coverage and decision-making capabilities. The wide range of API enterprises allows ample room for customization of the platform. The Trade Desk is headquartered in Ventura, CA (USA) and has offices in North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. In Italy, the company is based in Milan


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Purple & Noise è un’agenzia di PR e comunicazione italiana indipendente fondata da Davide Ciliberti. Ha sede a Milano e corrispondenze a Londra, Berlino e Madrid. Approccio creativo e advisory verso il cliente sono caratteristiche dell’agenzia

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